Uttar Pradesh‘s Gautam Buddh Nagar on Friday acquired funding proposals of about Rs 11,500 crore from round 50 traders on the district-level traders’ summit, officers stated right here. Round 250 traders participated within the summit held on the Indira Kala Kendra in Sector 6 right here in presence of UP MSME minister Rakesh Sachan, Jewar MLA Dhirendra Singh, District Justice of the Peace Suhas L Yathiraj, Police Commissioner Laxmi Singh, amongst others.
“We bought funding intents price Rs 11,502 crore from 50 traders through the Gautam Buddh Nagar traders’ summit right this moment,” Deputy Commissioner (Industries) Anil Kumar advised PTI.
In accordance with officers, three traders had been even allotted land by the Noida Authority on Friday itself.
Uttar Pradesh is gearing up for a World Traders’ Summit (GIS) which is scheduled to be held in Lucknow in February.
Chief Minsiter Yogi Adityanath has exhorted all officers to carry district-level traders’ summit of their areas to draw investments into the state.